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Annual Home Maintenance Checklist

Annual Home Maintenance Checklist

There’s no doubt about it, being a homeowner comes with plenty of responsibility. Few of us would willingly choose to spend our Sunday on a ladder cleaning out gutters or trimming trees. But, for most, your home is your largest investment and maintaining it becomes a major priority. We’ve put together a seasonal checklist to keep your home running like a well-oiled machine throughout the year.

Spring: Once springtime rolls around, most of us are eager to welcome the warmer weather! On top of some thorough spring cleaning, it is a great time to give your home some needed TLC. 

  1. Winter can be tough on lawns. Come springtime, take count of any patches or thinning areas and use this time to reseed or overseed your lawn. Remove any weeds or dead plants, rake up any remaining leaves and lay down mulch in your flower beds so you can bring new plants to life. 

  2. Gutters manage the flow of rainwater on your house, protecting the roof, siding, and foundation. Keeping your gutters clean helps prevent water damage or leaks. Your gutters should be cleaned  at least twice a year, or more, if you have several overhanging trees. 

  3. Check your roof after the winter for broken or warped shingles and make repairs as needed.

  4. Make sure your AC is functioning at peak capacity by scheduling an HVAC tune up. This will ensure your system is generating better performance and lower energy consumption. Also be sure to replace your HVAC air filters regularly. The Department of Energy reports that replacing your dirty filters with clean filters can reduce your energy consumption by up to 15%. 

  5. Inspect your plumbing by checking on your pipes. Look under sinks to ensure there are no leaks, check your ceilings for water stains and check your faucets for drips. 

Summer: When the sun is out and warm weather is here to stay the last thing you should worry about is home maintenance. However, there are a few tasks you should keep in mind during these months. 

  1. Summer is the time to give full attention to your garden and lawn. Be sure your plants are getting plenty of water during the summer heat and remove any remaining weeds. Set your lawn mower on the highest setting to ensure you don’t cut the grass too short, exposing it to drought. Once spring showers come to an end, it’s a good idea to use sprinklers to keep your yard hydrated. Maintain your sprinkler system with these quick tips or consider hiring a professional! 

  2. Be sure to reverse the setting on your ceiling fans to counterclockwise. This will push the air down, creating a nice breeze for the hotter months. 

  3. To best prepare for the Texas heat, check the weather stripping around doors and windows making repairs as needed. This will keep the cooler air locked inside. 

  4. Summer is prime time for bugs and pests to make their way into your home. Get them under control by scheduling pest control. A single visit ranges from $108-$250 according to Home Advisor. But if you have a more severe problem you can schedule recurring visits for a lower monthly fee. 

  5. Pay attention to your deck. If the wood is beginning to show age, summer is a great time to apply new stain or sealant. 

Fall: Home maintenance in the fall time is all about preparing your home for the upcoming winter months. Before you get too caught up in pumpkin carving, set some time aside to get these tasks completed.

  1. Stay on top of raking up leaves that have covered your yard. Neglecting this could cause the leaves to smother your yard. 

  2. Your chimney needs to be cleaned and expected at least once a year according to The Chimney Safety Institute of America. They report an average of 22,300 chimney fires a year. Keeping your chimney clean can keep your home from becoming a statistic.

  3. Walk around the house to check your window and doors. Caulk door and window frames where necessary

  4. Replace the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

  5. Drain your water heater to eliminate any sediment or build up and check for leaks. This will keep your water heater running efficiently.

Winter: Even in Texas, colder weather and freezing temperatures can be tough on your home. To prevent serious harm be sure to check these items off your maintenance list before hunkering down for the winter months.

  1. Check for drafts. Cold air slipping in and around doors and windows can cause higher heating bills. Most gaps can be filled with some caulk.

  2. Cover your outdoor air conditioning unit. If freezing temperatures or snow are in the forecast, covering your unit will help prevent damage.

  3. Avoid frozen pipes by shutting off and draining outdoor faucets before the cold weather hits, insulate pipes where you can and run your faucets at a drip to keep water moving when temperatures drop below freezing.

Proper maintenance gives your home a fighting chance to stand strong for generations. This list will help keep your home safe, secure, and in tip-top shape. If you’re ready to build your dream home contact us today to get the process started!